I can help you build your brand

With my experience in copywriting and email marketing strategy, you can be sure that your contacts are being supported and guided along the path that you want them follow.

Email Copy

Effective emails are all about value. Understanding the contact's position in the buyer's journey is key to helping them take their next step.

Informational or inspirational? 

More copy or more graphics? 

Funny and witty or confident and knowledgeable?  

These are the questions that will determine the impact an email will have.

Email Segmentation and Automation

Just as important as giving the right content is giving it at the right time. Email segmentation makes this possible by using your contact's behaviors to determine where they are in their journey and what content they need. 

Plus, automated workflows make this all easier than ever.

Landing Page Copy and Design

Landing pages are a key part of the digital marketing experience. Here, you're able to provide more information and guidance than you can in an email, but it creates a space where you can customize the copy and imagery to match a promotion or lead gen effort without constantly changing your website.

Email Data

Tracking email performance is one of the most important parts of effective email strategy. Data can indicate what aspects of your emails need testing to find improvement as well as showing the overall health of your content and communication with your customer base.

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